Very young I became obsessed with finding a cure for migraines. Everyone, and every book that I could find, said that there was no cure. Except for Sister Linda Dube. She believed this was possible, because she knew the scientific method. Sister Jane, her co-conspirator in all good deeds, came up with some of the most effective techniques that we tested against myofascial trigger point therapy. For ethical reasons we had to stop using the trigger point therapy as it was quite painful to the family and friends that volunteered to our experiments. But we continued testing our own gentle methods and soon (not soon enough for a billion migraine sufferers) found that we could eliminate the pain of an acute migraine attack within 10-20 minutes by helping the person to get wiggly. Try it for yourself. You can read Wiggly for free, here.
You may also be interested to visit Vida Lotus to learn more. Also please check out and bless Sister Linda’s charitable organization, Our Lady of Guadalupe Home, which provides a loving shelter to women in crisis pregnancies.